I'm not running one (at the moment), but I think there's an stunnel port
for Plan 9, and that could be an easy way to duct tape TLS support onto
your existing setup.


On Sun, Feb 7, 2016 at 2:29 PM Steve Simon <st...@quintile.net> wrote:

> I have been running my a smtp server on plan9 for about
> 10 years but  I beleive I am having more and more incomming
> mail bounce because of plan9's lack of support for tls 1.2.
> What is anyone else doing about this?
>         stop ovvering ESMTP in smptd?
>         Using a 3rd party smtpd supplier (google?)
>         Does 9front support tls1.2 now?
>         use facebook instead of email (joke).
>         Other...
> -Steve (hoping replies don't bounce)

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