"Brian L. Stuart" <blstu...@bellsouth.net> writes:

> On Wed, 3/9/16, Anthony Sorace <a...@9srv.net> wrote:
>> Anyone have any example code using the i2c interface on the pi
>> I can look at? I'm playing around with several of these, and am not
>> getting the results I expect (data getting out, but the hats aren't behaving
>> like they're getting the same bits I think I'm sending).
>> More generally, anyone got any of these hats going? I'm
>> starting off with the Sense Hat, since it exposes everything
>> on it via the i2c.
> I haven't done anything with the hats, but I do have a few bits
> of I2C code that go along with the driver modifications I posted
> a little while back.
> The first does a little lightshow on a square LED array from Adafruit:
> http://cs.drexel.edu/~bls96/plan9/lightshow.c
> The second talks to the MMA8451 3-axis accelerometer:
> http://cs.drexel.edu/~bls96/plan9/mma8451sa.c

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