On Wed, 30 Mar 2016 23:40:03 -0000 cigar562hfsp952f...@icebubble.org wrote:
> The Plan 9 Way
> ==============
> So, if social networking were to be re-designed from scratch, all over
> again, "the Plan 9 way", how would it be done?
> Obviously, the network would present itself as a file system.  :D  I
> should be able to browse and post content using shell commands at the
> command line.  Or, I could use the Acme plug-in to automate the process,
> just like using Acme Mail.  I'd be able to batch-up incoming or outgoing
> changes using tar(1) or hg, so I could work disconnected from the 'Net,
> too.  But... here's the tricky part...

cd /n/facebook
ls friends
cd requests
cat johnedoe/about
ls johnedoe/posts
echo confirm > request/johnedoe/outgoing-request/me
echo hello > friends/johnedoe/message

cd /n/facebook/me/newsfeed
cat 1/html      # display raw html page
right-click 1/html      # view html page

# create a page with all your friends' latest posts.
htmlize friends/*/posts/latest | html-view

# look at the latest 10 messages from friends
ls -rt friends/*/messages/me | sed 10q | htmlize | html-view


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