Thanks Richard for doing the go port to plan9/arm. I was going to start on that 
myself until I found out it was already done. :-)

I didn’t realize that Go was so virtual memory hungry. I wonder why stats 
didn’t show me a large peak of memory consumption before the go compiler died? 
Perhaps it allocates a huge chunk of virtual memory on startup.

I’ll check for that kernel change in my kernel source. If it’s not there I’ll 
recompile and give it a shot. Are these changes going to make it into the 
official kernel source? Any reason why everyone, even non Go users, wouldn’t 
want the changes?

I believe that my rpi only has the 512MB of RAM so I’ll add swap. I didn’t 
realize that Go programs were so heavy weight. What do embedded Go users have 
to do to make things work on other platforms like Linux?


> On Apr 13, 2016, at 5:10 AM, Richard Miller <> wrote:
>> I tried a bootstrapped version on my RPi but it fails with a "fork/exec ... 
>> virtual memory allocation failed” error when I try to compile anything.
> Go needs a lot of virtual memory - it won't even pass the installation test 
> suite
> if you give it less than a gigabyte.  That was the reason for the change to 
> the
> definition in /sys/src/9/bcm/mem.h mentioned earlier:
> < #define     USTKTOP         0x20000000              /* user segment end +1 
> */
> ---
>> #define      USTKTOP         0x40000000              /* user segment end +1 
>> */
> Are you running a 9pi kernel built with this change?  There are newer kernel 
> binaries
> in /n/sources/contrib/miller/9pi* with this and other tweaks applied.  If you 
> are
> using an older pi with 512MB of ram, you'll need to activate swap(8).
> The plan9_arm version of go is expected to be in the 1.7 release.  It is 
> already
> self hosting: if you look at the builder dashboard in
> which tracks updates being built and tested on all platforms, the "plan9 arm"
> column at the far right is a Raspberry Pi 3 managed by David du Colombier.
> It doesn't keep up with every update because a complete build and test suite
> run takes a bit over an hour.

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