Well, the meaning of the word "ilk" has always puzzled me. As in "Sir
Robert Pike of that Ilk". But then I'm not Scottish. Or Scotch, whichever
is correct. Me, I still lend a fraction of an ear to this group in the
increasingly vain hope of learning something.

Personally, I don't use Plan9, or even p9p, to get stuff done. I just like
to look at the code from time to time. I'm with Carmack on Plan9 circa
1997: " It has an achingly elegant internal structure, but a user interface
that has been asleep for the past decade." Add a couple of decades to that.

Also, don't be mean to Skip!

On 1 September 2016 at 09:36, stanley lieber <s...@9front.org> wrote:

> Skip Tavakkolian <skip.tavakkol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 11:43 AM stanley lieber <s...@9front.org> wrote:
> >
> >> Steven Stallion <sstall...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> >On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 1:40 AM, Kurt H Maier <k...@sciops.net>
> >wrote:
> >> >> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 10:52:31PM -0700, Skip Tavakkolian wrote:
> >> >>> > plan 9 as more than a masturbatory aid.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> put up or shut up:
> >> >> ...
> >> >> Congratulations on your accomplishments!
> >> >
> >> >% fn ck { grep $* /n/sources/patch/*/email
> >/n/sources/patch/^(applied
> >> >maybe saved sorry)^/*/email >[2]/dev/null |wc -l}
> >> >% ck sstall...@gmail.com
> >> >     28
> >> >% ck k...@sciops.net
> >> >      0
> >> >
> >> >Perhaps it's better to be known for the occasional masturbatory
> >> >session than for being an incorrigible troll.
> >> >
> >> >Steve
> >>
> >> What's incorrigible is the way you people consistently reply to
> >questions
> >> from newbs with claims that it is trivial to do various tasks on Plan
> >9
> >> without ever quite revealing that 1.) it isn't, and 2.) you aren't
> >really
> >> referring to the task they suggested, anyway. Skip does this, Every.
> >> Single. Time. What is the point?
> >>
> >
> >you're assuming a person who is new to Plan 9, is new to computing,
> >system
> >admin or programming.
> >
> >easy means: "no different than setting up a cpu once you've configured
> >your
> >fs and auth".  adding entries for 8 rpi's in /lib/ndb/local and
> >/cfg/pxe is
> >as easy as cutting and pasting after the first one. they all run the
> >same
> >kernel.
> >
> >please take the hyperbole down a bit or provide instances for what you
> >claim i did. the internet has a long memory; http links would be
> >sufficient.
> >
> >regarding pi cluster, it was related to a work-in-progress i talked
> >about
> >at IWP9 2010.  i've shared as much detail as i could.
> >
> >
> >> What do you use that rpi "cluster" for, Skip? Do you mean to imply
> >some
> >> the availability of some facility for process migration? You know
> >none
> >> exists.
> >>
> >> The latest amusing evolution is a parade of replies from the usual
> >> suspects where it's never quite clear which of them are promoting or
> >> denigrating the degraded web-centric nature of modern computing.
> >First
> >> various ribbons and medals associated with historic Plan 9 campaigns
> >are
> >> displayed and then the same noble campaigners suggest that Plan 9
> >users are
> >> cave men clinging to stone tools. I think the quips are so clever
> >precisely
> >> because their target is indeterminate. Great, you're funny, but
> >again, what
> >> is the point?
> >>
> >> How does any of this clarify matters for interested newbs?
> >>
> >> My personal favorite aspect of this tiresome dance is the eventual
> >> denunciation of trolls. Here, in the spiritual home of Mark V Shaney!
> >>
> >> The problem is not trolling. The problem is low to medium quality
> >> trolling, performed by armchair quarterbacks who want credit for
> >being Plan
> >> 9 Gandalfs but who are unwilling to provide the simple service of
> >speaking
> >> in words that make sense. Mothra forbid any should cast aspersions
> >upon the
> >> sacred world wide web,
> >> bringer of the paycheck and dresser of the tongue.
> >>
> >
> >and yet, it is you and your ilk who claim the mantle of the true
> >keepers of
> >the faith, beating back the evildoers.
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Kurt provides free hosting for the 9front mercurial repository, after
> >> Google found better things to do with their time. Thanks, Kurt.
> >>
> >> sl
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> "your ilk"
> What does that mean, exactly, Skip?
> http://fqa.9front.org
> What I say is that Plan 9 runs on my computer and I use it to do the
> things I use computers for. Documentation of the hows and whys can be found
> at the URL above. 9fans manage to consistently make fun of this idea while
> somehow simultaneously retaining an incredibly easily offended sense of
> ownership over anything mentioned on 9fans since 1993. Which is the real
> you? And why do quips become verboten only after you've contributed the
> quips you wanted to contribute?
> It's not so much keeping the flame as it is simply wanting to run the
> software to actually do things, and realizing that waiting for the last
> remaining Bell Labs staff working on Plan 9 to jump ship is a poor strategy
> for keeping the OS alive. We forked, and the OS lives.
> Oblique references to a talk given six years ago about a project the
> details of which you can't reveal publicly is a good example of what I'm
> describing in this thread. What does this innuendo illuminate? Who does it
> help? Why even mention it when you can't elaborate? And this is what you
> dangle just over the heads of newbs? How about providing instead actual
> advice on how to get the OS to do something useful?
> The best part about your challenge to produce links is that the 9fans web
> archive has been offline for close to a year. People objected when I made
> the claim 9fans quit bothering with Plan 9, but the status quo leans
> farther and farther away from it with each passing year. Alcatel-Lucent had
> to be pestered on Twitter just to get the sources machine back online.
> sl

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