> It sounds like reboot wasn't a big concern for the raspberry Pi engineers. 
> Wow, weird.

The normal case considered by the engineers is rebooting from the
default kernel binary on the sd card (ie hard reset), which works
fine both for linux and plan 9.

The problem with 'fshalt -r' is that the default without a kernel
file argument is to guess at a file and soft-reboot that, which
isn't reliable on multi-core.  But if you say 'fshalt -r /dev/null',
that will halt the fs and hard-reset, giving you a reliable boot
of the sd card kernel.  Arguably that might have been a better
default when a kernel file isn't specified.

> ... Do you use the pi or pi2 kernel for zero?

It's the 9pi or 9picpu kernel - pizero has the old armv6 SoC.

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