Thanks Skip,

That's the part I was missing. I thought that the current namespace is 
preserved after cpu command on the remote. But then I realize that it would be 
difficult to remap the bin namespaces to a different cpu architecture.

I suppose that I can always bind over what I want from /mnt/term or customize 
the profile script to do it automatically in cpu case.


On Oct 6, 2016, at 12:14 AM, Skip Tavakkolian <> wrote:

>> I was under the impression that the namespace should come from the client.
> perhaps it's a confusion over cwd when you cpu to another machine?
> supermic% pwd
> /usr/fst
> supermic% cpu -h rpi
> rpi% pwd
> /usr/fst
> rpi% 
> since typically everything is served by fs, it is all the same
> content.  the local namespace is exported by the local cpu and the
> far-end cpu mounts it on /mnt/term.
> e.g.
> rpi% devsysname='/dev/sysname' for (i in `{seq 3}) {
>    echo $devsysname ' = ' `{cat $devsysname}
>    devsysname='/mnt/term'^$devsysname
>    }
> /dev/sysname  =  rpi
> /mnt/term/dev/sysname  =  supermic
> /mnt/term/mnt/term/dev/sysname  =  dell
> rpi% 

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