Hi James,

My fileserver is an older Intel Atom D525. I have a pair of mirrored
SSDs installed for fossil and my venti store is served by plan9ports
running on a CentOS machine with ample storage. I also have a small
SATADOM installed for my 9fat partition, which makes it easy to
recover if^H^Hwhen the write cache dies.

This setup works well - I've been running it with zero problems for a
few years now. If you're curious, I kept some notes on how to do this
here: http://plan9.bell-labs.com/sources/contrib/stallion/venti/
(start with the README).

That said, an rpi might be I/O bound if you have more than a couple of
CPU severs and terminals on your network. A NUC would certainly have
more than enough power (I keep a NUC in my office for working with



On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 7:33 PM, James A. Robinson
<jim.robin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Folks,
> One of the things I'm thinking about is setting up a full Plan 9
> cluster, meaning one of the components would be a stand-alone
> fileserver hooked up to a decent amount of storage.
> I was wondering what experience people have had with slower or faster
> machines in this role?
> I was wondering whether or not it'd be feasible to hook up something
> like http://tinyurl.com/jgov5gc (Amazon.com) to something small like a
> Raspberry Pi 3, or if the I/O would be too much for that kind of
> computer to handle.
> Does anyone here run a fileserver on a small computer like a
> raspberry pi 3, or perhaps something like an Intel nuc?
> I wouldn't be supporting multiple users, just myself moving between
> a couple of devices.
> Jim

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