I was thinking about this myself. I'm more in favour of a script that downloads 
the go source and compiles it since it seems to be more in the spirit of plan9.

The trouble is that Go has made it harder to do now that you have to have an 
n-1 version of Go to compile n. This started with 1.5 but 1.5 doesn't seem to 
compile or run well on plan9.

Maybe a compromise would be to have tbz binaries for 1.7 and a script that 
takes them and uses it to compile a fresh copy from sources and cleans up the 
bootstrap. Otherwise, you need to cross compile from another OS. Yuck.


> On Oct 27, 2016, at 12:26 PM, Marshall Conover <marzhal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All!
>    I compiled a Go binary for use on Richard Miller's raspberry pi image in 
> contrib (thanks for that Richard, by the way). I threw up a link to the 
> binary in a previous email a week or two ago, but I think that email got spam 
> filtered, so I won't link it again - but, is there a good place to make this 
> available for ease-of-use? Woudl've been nice to just hget a tgz and extract 
> it when I was getting things up and running the other day, instead of getting 
> go set up on my linux box, compiling it, setting the final_goroot, etc. 
> Richard, if you're comfortable with it, I could pass it to you to throw up on 
> your contrib.
> Thanks!
> Marshall

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