Chris McGee <> wrote:

>I tried this command with both go 1.7.3 and master branches. Both fail
>right after “#### Building packages and commands for host, plan9/386”
>with an error “install: ./install not found.”
>It seems like the go bootstrap tool is trying to call a binary called
>“install” but there are none on my system. Is there such a command on
>p9bl? Maybe 9front doesn’t have it?
>It works fine if I don’t try to cross compile to plan9/arm or even
>> On Oct 30, 2016, at 4:39 AM, David du Colombier <>
>> > To cross compile with make.rc do you just set GOARCH and GOOS and
>just run it?
>> Yes and you can add the --no-rebuild flag to prevent cmd/dist to
>remove the existing binaries.
>> For example:
>> ℅ GOOS=plan9 GOARCH=arm make.rc --no-rebuild
>> -- 
>> David du Colombier

'install' is from BSD. It does not exist in Plan 9.


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