
> 2016/11/07 8:29、Chris McGee <newton...@gmail.com> のメール:
> Hi All,
> I have cleaned up some of the concurrency code and USB. The new release is 
> here:
> https://github.com/sirnewton01/rpi-9front/releases/tag/nov2016-2
> Thanks,
> Chris

many thanks, I will try.

by the way I said about raspi 1
> the display size is 1920x1200.
> when I try to resize a window, the mouse cursor flips and it is difficult to 
> resize.
This phenomenon was stopped when I connected lan cable.
I don’t know the reason.

I looked the source code and I guess for raspi 1:
Plan9   BCM     pin
GPIO0   17      11
GPIO1   18      12
GPIO2   27      13
GPIO3   22      15
GPIO4   23      16
GPIO5   24      18
GPIO6   25      18
GPIO7    4       7
GPIO8   28      24
GPIO9   29      21
GPIO10  30      ?
GPIO11  31      ?
SDA              2       3
SCL              3       5
CE1              7      26
CE0              8      24
MISO     9      21
MOSI    10      19
SCLK    11      23
TxD             14       8
RxD             15      10

and I tried some experiments.

(a) turn led light on/off that is connected to GPIO0 pin

term% echo function out GPIO0 >ctl
term% echo 1 > GPIO0
term% echo 0 > GPIO0

the result is OK.

(b) read GPIO1 status

term% echo function in GPIO1 >ctl

I expected:
term% cat GPIO1 # low voltage

however I have:
term% cat GPIO1 # low voltage

I expected:
term% cat GPIO1 # high voltage

however I have:
term% cat GPIO1

is this a feature or bug?

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