Priceless, thank you for making me laugh! :)

On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 23:01 Kurt H Maier <> wrote:

On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 07:03:24PM +1300, Andrew Simmons wrote:
> I’ve just been asked to respond to the following. Apart from number 8,
where the answer is clearly “because they are clinically insane”, I am at a
loss. Any hints from the group?

Happy to help.

> 1)           What is the base object in .Net


> 2)           Which version of Asp.Net MVC have you used

The wrong one.

> 3)           Explain MVC in general

The 'model' is your database connection.  This never works.  The 'view'
is what displays error messages to the user.  The 'controller' is what
allows the user to send injection attacks to your datastore.

> 4)           Which version of the .Net are you most familiar with

3.5, unless your organization has money, in which case 4.5 and above.

> 5)           Explain why you would use an outer join vs an inner join

An outer join is used when you don't clearly understand your search
algorithm.  An inner join is used when you got your data structures

> 6)           Can you explain the request Flow in Asp.Net MVC

Sure!  It goes like this:  request-> collection -> base -> handlergetter
-> handler -> controllerfactory -> controller -> actionrunner -> filter
-> action -> result -> exception -> 500 error.

> 7)           Explain Dependency Injection

This is what we call passing arguments.

> 8)           Why would a developer choose to use EF

So that we don't have to know how to look up the arguments we want to

> 9)           What is the difference between Javascript and jQuery

Nothing.  There is no such thing as javascript; it is an archaic term
for jquery, which is now known as react.

> 10)         What are extensions methods

These used to be called 'functions' but that term has been deprecated
both because procedural programming is for squares and those functional
programming kids keep overloading terminology.

> 11)         What source control systems have you used

Is this a trick question?  Or are you considering 'github' and 'git' to
be different things?  I don't understand what you are asking.

> 12)         Have you gathered systems requirements from clients? If so,
please give some details

Clients are the wrong place to gather systems requirements.  Attempting
to interact with clients for any amount of time quickly leads to
injection dependency.  The proper place to gather systems requirements
is the project budget comptroller (to determine scale) and the executive
vice president of sales (to determine scope).

Fingers crossed for the followup interview!


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