
I am trying to compile the plan9 kernel for the Rasperry pi
from Richard Miller. I am using from MacOSX the kencc toolchain
(actually I use my own simplified fork:
https://github.com/aryx/fork-kencc <https://github.com/aryx/fork-kencc>

I am able to compile/link the default bcm/ kernel
with this distribution: https://github.com/0intro/plan9/ 
I am also able to compile/link the latest kernel from richard miller

The problem is that when I boot it on my physical Raspberry Pi 1,
I just get a blue screen. I don’t get the Plan9 console greeting,

The call to fbinit in bcm/vcore.c is working because
the memset in fbinit is working (hence the blue screen).
But calls following fbinit do not work. I tracked it down
to a call to malloc() in allocmemimage in libmemdraw.
In fact, if I do a call to malloc() in main.c before the call to
screeninit, nothing works (I get a gradient picture on the screen).

Does any of you have any idea what could be the cause of the problem? The 
linker 5l in kencc does not support the -f linking option, but I think none of 
the code in pool.c or libmemdraw use float/double at this point.
Is there some important patches to 5l or 5c I am missing in kencc/? 

Note that the 9pi image at http://9p.io/magic/webls?dir=/sources/contrib/miller 
<http://9p.io/magic/webls?dir=/sources/contrib/miller> is working on my 
Raspberry Pi. So this is not a problem in my Raspberry. I am also using the 
official plan9 distribution https://github.com/0intro/plan9/ 
<https://github.com/0intro/plan9/> from Jan 2015, so I guess the problem has to 
be in kencc/.

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