A few months back I had a working 9front installation on my Pentium II
computer, dual booted with Windows 95. I eventually decided to cram two
more hard drives into the computer and install several more OS's on them.
Along the way though, I noticed that my 9front installation became
completely broken. When trying to load 9front I'm faced with repeated
"atagenio: x:y" messages (x and y are numbers usually between 0 and 5). No
partition shows up which leaves me completely unable to boot from it. When
booting from the livecd the errors still persist. I've tried taking the
newer hard drives out, and even having just the new hard drives in, still
the same errors. Running fdisk on one of the drives from the livecd
displays more atagenio errors in the top left, and displays the error
"disk/fdisk: diskread error 66 at 0.446: i/o error 040 884 0".

Any help greatly appreciated.

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