Please share a link here, when ready!


2018-01-29 11:36 GMT+01:00 Hugues Evrard <>:

> Yes it should be recorded, and made available online later on (I needed
> confirmation before answering here).
> Thanks,
> Hugues
> On 24/01/18 09:32, Fran. J Ballesteros wrote:
> will it be avail online, somehow?
> thanks.
> El 24 ene 2018, a las 10:16, Hugues Evrard <>
> escribió:
> Hi all,
> On Thursday Feb. 1st (next week), Charles Forsyth will kindly give an
> introduction talk to plan9 and inferno at Imperial College in London. If
> you are in the London area, don't hesitate to join and to relay this
> announce!
> Here is the abstract:
> Plan 9 and Inferno are two operating systems (originally developed by the
> Bell Labs centre that produced Unix decades earlier). Both were designed
> to allow systems to be composed from smaller cooperating systems performing
> specific tasks. They provide structural support for distribution, at the
> operating system level. Their defining novelty is the representation of
> all distributable resources as hierarchical name spaces. There are
> conventional names for certain resources, but no global name space.
> Instead, the kernel provides operations that compose name spaces of local
> and remote resources, at per-process granularity, to build a unique space
> to suit a given application. That can aid design, development, testing
> and integration. I'll give brief summaries of the two operating systems,
> and present examples of their use, with an emphasis on naming.
> The talk is at 13:00-14:00 in amphitheatre 311 of the Huxley building,
> whose entrance is at 180 Queen’s Gate, London SW7 2AZ. It is part of the
> iPr0gram talk series ( ), where
> people external to Imperial College are warmly welcome, please just get in
> touch with Robert ( ) beforehand if you
> plan to join.
> As most of you already know, Charles has made numerous contributions to
> plan9 and inferno, and was instrumental in open-sourcing inferno. For more
> info, check out his homepage:
> Please get in touch with me if you would like to have a chat with Charles
> in the afternoon, I can arrange a meeting room.
> Thanks,
> Hugues

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