The tour of the acme editor should help answer a lot of your questions:

On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 8:15 AM 刘宇宝 <> wrote:

> [[ I got perfect answers  to my original questions about undo, the
another questions is probably neglected,  so I split another thread.]]

> In VIM, I can input <ESC>...comand<Enter>, in Acme I have to move cursor
to command area and click, input command, press <ESC>,  click middle mouse
button on the highlighted command, is this the fastest way to input command
in Acme?

> I'm not arguing Vim is better, I agree some operations are faster in Vim
and some faster in Acme,  I just want to know the most efficient way in

> Thanks in advance for your kindly help!

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