Ethan Gardener writes:

> Is there an implementation of APL or a related language for Plan 9? 

For pure APL, I don't think so.  Long ago I ran the Thompson APL
interpreter on our Ultrix VAX.  It was built from source, but I
forget which tape it came from.  It would have been one of V7 or
4.2BSD, methinks.

I built it in the first place to write code to analyze/report
performance stats on our VAXen vs. the swaths of 3B2 and 3B4000
hardware that AT&T was trying to foist on us at the time :-)

Once or twice I have toyed with the idea of getting it running on
Plan9.  But the C source is very pre-ANSI, and as I recall there are
many embedded assumptions about everything being 32-bits wide, pointers
and ints are interchangeable, *0 == 0, etc.  Still, it would be a
fun project, and I would love to have a native APL to play with again.


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