> > The big one is USB.  disk/radio->kernel->user-space-usbd->kernel->applicati
> on.
> > Four copies.
> that sounds wrong.
> usbd is not involved in the data transfer.

You're right, I was wrong about 'usbd'.  In the bits of testing
I've done with this, 'usbd' is replaces with a user space file
server that abstracts the hardware and presents a useful file system
interface.  (E.g. along the lines of the gps filesystem interface.)

To address Hiro's comments, I have no benchmarks on Plan 9, because
the SDR code I run does not exist there.  But I do have experience
with running SDR on Linux and FreeBSD with hardware like the HackRF
One.  That hardware can easily saturate a USB2 interface/driver on
both of those operating systems.  Given my experience with USB on
Plan 9 to date, it's a safe bet that all the variants would die
when presented with that amount of traffic. (I can knock down a
Plan9 system with 56 Kb/s USB serial traffic.)  I can see about
twisting up some code that would read the raw I/Q data from the SDR
via USB and see how it stands up.  But the real question is what
kind of delay, latency, and jitter will there be, getting that raw
I/Q data from the USB interface up to the consuming application?

Eliminating as much of the copy in/out WRT the kernel cannot but
help, especially when you're doing SDR decoding near the radios
using low-powered compute hardware (think Pies and the like).


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