On 2/16/19, Skip Tavakkolian <skip.tavakkol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> for completeness, AWS is also an option. there's is an old image that
> Richard Miller created some time ago. Erik mentioned he hoped (was
> planning?) to create an image with up-to-date drivers.
Now, Erik's track record is pretty much faultless, so I'd love to see
an image reflecting recent developments, if any (I really ought to be
the one driving this, I have good reason to apply some effort in this

But I am curious to hear what improvements drivers there may be for an
AWS image. When I started writing this, I assumed these would be
additional drivers, which didn't seem logical. Updated drivers, on the
other hand, would be very welcome, specially from someone close to the

And on that note, I'd like to start a catalogue of drivers for Plan 9
with sufficient documentation to ensure that they are or can be made
portable or compatible across what I hesitate to call distros. If
there is a shortcut to identifying the incompatibilities between
various kernel versions, no one is more qualified than cinap, quanstro
and forsyth to catalogue them. Is it worth it and if so, where should
I start?


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