Here's one of many small issues I would like explained or adjusted: I
can half run rio (p9p's rio) under xnest. I seem to recall Erik
mentioning the option, but in my few efforts, it landed up with the
newly-created windows on the desktop instead of within the rio xnest.

Is it worth my while to delve into p9p's innards and see if I can find
all the locations where this needs to be corrected? Is it going to be
one locations or far too many?

I simply can't sacrifice my browser and skype to rio, my job depends
on those two.

I'm trying hard to wean myself off Thunderbird, I detest that animal
and have made some progress with Erik's upas which doesn't get totally
confused with Dovecot on the IMAP side - very minor tweaks sufficed to
compile under 9legacy (I just copied the le/be module(s) from the
library into the "distribution").

I still need to be able to operate mailman's web interface: replacing
that will with an acme/mail utility is a bit beyond me and in any case
I think mailman's days are numbered, more so now that version 3 is
starting to take shape and is going to obsolete version 2 that by
comparison is a shrew against an elephant.


On 4/15/19, <> wrote:
> thinking is hard.  there is a sweet spot somewhere between ease of use
> and knowing what you're trying to accomplish in the first place.
> once you learn the system, you can get a lot of mileage out of
> in-built system features, such as shell commands, lists (variables),
> functions, and pipelines.  file interfaces and private namespaces make
> these simple primitives even more powerful than they are on presumably
> more familiar unix systems.  (it has to be said: unix users already
> don't seem to get much mileage out of existing unix features.)
> rio is scriptable, and all of its features are exposed to file
> interfaces and text commands.  that's a huge steering wheel, even if
> your hands are small.
> all the cosmetic stuff new users typically complain about can be
> modified with a minimum of knowledge and skill.  this is a benefit of
> the terse, simple programming style.  sometimes, even a deficient
> program can be better than a featureful one, if the deficient program
> is simple and easy to modify.  just implement whatever it is you
> actually want to do.
> some people would say this is ugly:
> sl

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

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