> On the tangential subject of acme mail, I have a very infrequent bug > where the header of a newly arrived message pops up in the position > where the /mail/fs/mbox window used to be, some time after the mbox > window has been adjusted by another window opening. Does anyone else > see this? Is there a known patch on some fork which fixes it?
I haven't seen this particular redraw artifact, but I've seen other smaller ones. Is there anything in particular that you can do to reproduce it? I just took a quick poke through the 9front and plan9port changes, and I see a couple of things that should probably be cherry-picked[1], but not anything related to artifacts. (Also, looks like git9's git/log's filtering by path is busted. TODO added.) [1] some obvious bugfixes on plan9port, which should apply to 9legacy. - 7ca1c90109e17dced4b38fbaadea9d2cf39871b7 (fix memory leak) - 219cf22d6863a21a7378fc5481bb05bbb6edd2dc (large file fixes) - edfe3c016fe6ef10c55f7a17aab668214ec21efc (sam issue, free str instead of free) - 76b9347a5fa3a0970527c6ee1b97ef1c714f636b (avoid div-by-0) - a82a8b6368274d77d42f526e379b74e79c137e26 (apply +/- only once) - dfac95269ab7944810043fb9e78557b06ed3a767 (update tag after control event) - fff818fe878ca5edfbac85b15e77ada2acb8ea0f (avoid inverted textselect range) Let me know if there are others I missed. ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/Te20476748ab5e4ba-M1de7b7bdf2c19db53f480b47 Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription