Thanks, Skip. I just net-booted a pi4 using your instructions. Very timely,
as I was running out of 2GB SD cards for my growing pi collection.

Can I just add two footnotes concerning the pi4 procedure:
- At the first step where it says "copy the EEPROM image of interest from
  /lib/firmware/raspberrypi/bootloader/ to pieeprom.bin", I found 26
  different pieeprom.bin files under that directory.  I guessed that
  "stable" would be the right one, and that seems to have been OK.  I
  think "vcgencmd bootloader_version" will give you a hint as to which
  file is currently in the eeprom.
- If you use the eeprom config var TFTP_IP to hardcode the tftp server
  address, you don't need the patched version of Plan 9 dhcpd; in fact
  any old dhcp server can then be used without special configuration,
  as it only needs to supply an ip address.

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