Le sam. 29 août 2020 à 19:26, Leonardo <leonardohcoe...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Cool!
> I want to make a Plan 9 distro aimed at brazilians: I'm at the beginning
> of this journey. My plan is to translate all the documentation (articles
> and man pages), try to make the system more user friendly (not for hackers
> but for common people) and also work in ordinary software like a modern
> browser, a word processor, spreadsheet software, a kind of powerpoint etc.
As another historical note, for a number of years (2006 to 2009 iirc) Plan
9 reached the peak of 3 regular users in Brazil. Others came and went, but
those 3 are responsible for at least abaco, the initial python port, and
the initial work into what is now the 9front bootloader.

So, Leonardo, welcome aboard :)

Besides translation, what are the Brazilian-specific needs you are trying
to address?
I highly recommend you search the list for other projects similar to yours.

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck in the journey!


> I am studying Plan 9 and I am totally in love with it: read files, write
> to files and again: read files, write to files. And what else do you need
> to do? Little or nothing: things are really simple. The NSA invented
> SELinux (mandatory access control) because it saw that, from a security
> point of view, the idea of discretionary access control did not provide
> much. Okay, it's an idea and it works. But Plan 9, before, had introduced
> the idea of namespace which is, by the way, a much simpler and smarter
> idea: each process can have its own restricted view of the universe of
> files. I really don't understand why Plan 9 has not been adopted. Legacy
> base?
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