On Feb 19, 2021, at 4:58 PM, cigar562hfsp952f...@icebubble.org wrote:
> Skip Tavakkolian <skip.tavakkol...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Plan9port has fontsrv. Any truetype you have on your system is usable.
>> man fontsrv for details.
> Unfortunately, man fontsrv doesn't provide the details.  More
> specifically, it doesn't describe how to configure fontsrv.  On my
> system:
> $ fontsrv &
> $ 9p ls font
> $ 
> Nothing shows up.

Works fine on my macbook pro.

$ 9p ls font | wc
     822     822   15179

Note this from the fontsrv man page:

        Fontsrv has no support for X11 fonts; on X11 systems, it
        will serve an empty top-level directory.

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