The Go net package uses /net/cs and /net/dns. I see sshnet doesn't create
/net/dns. That could be the issue.


On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 4:35 PM Steve Simon <> wrote:

> hi,
> the senerio - i have a plan9 terminal, a mac laptop. the laptop connects
> to a vpn.
> i write in go, and thus far i use sshfs to mount the mac’s filesystem and
> edit my code. i build and run the code on the mac.
> i thought i could use git9 via sshnet to work natively on plan9
> most of this is fine but when go tries to access mod files for packages on
> the vpn i get a “no sutiable address found” error for
> i can resce the address i need (over the vpn) using ndb/dnsquery however.
> if i try and build without my sshnet vpn connection then i get a different
> error which refers to a repository on the vpn.
> so. i think the native resolver in the go libraries (and thus in the go
> executable) do not play nicely with sshnet.
> my guess (only a guess) is go is trying to do its own name resolution
> using udp port 53 and sshnet does not support udp.
> anyone any ideas?
> can i convince go to use plan9’s own name resolution?
> can ssh (and thus sshnet) forward udp or is that not possible?
> thanks for any ideas
> -Steve

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