Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM) wrote in
 |Steffen Nurpmeso writes:
 |> It can even be as small as 
 |>   #?0|kent:unix-hist$ du -sh .
 |>   179M    .
 |> when not including all the new FreeBSD things (for which i at
 |> least track the FreeBSD git repository directly):

Traffic size is a real issue for me.
(As is quality of the rtw88 driver of Linux 5.10.*, as is the fact
that git i think still cannot resume failed clones.  I anyway had
lots and lots of trouble and yes grief due to this, here.)

 |Okay, so what's the magic incantation to clone just that subset
 |of branches?  git-clone(1) is not helpful ...

Backward compatible for "the one real git" is

 $ cd DIR; git init
 $ git remote add origin -t BRANCH1 -t BRANCH2 -t 'release/*' URL
 $ git fetch -v

Or git init and then copy the snippet :)
(Mind you, just a few weeks ago on FreeBSD it turned out that
i should re-learn git from scratch.  I turned to it around
2010/11, wrote some scripts and aliases, and unless they break,
for example due to rev-list reverting output in about 2013, i have
a very basic way of doing, lots of update-ref and such, for

And sorry for the late reply, after weeks of -11° Celsius and
months of winter we had 31° more yesterday, including sunshine,
and i went for cycling.  Then someone reported a brain-damage of
mine in software i maintain, and i had to make a release, and then
it was about 3 o'clock in the morning.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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