I must appologise, though I sent a reply at the time, an out of date x509
certificate meant the email never reached my ISP.

What I tried to say was... 

> I wonder if the abaco problem you are seeing is the global move to
> stronger TLS algorithms. I have backported libcrypt from 9front which
> was fairly straightforward - a it needed wider (but justified IMHO) changes
> than i hoped but it was an afternoon's work.
> I use webfs from 9front too to - cinap pretty much rewrote it and his code
> is much cleaner (again IMHO). It needs only a couple of tiny tweeks to work.
> I found usb2 disk adapters worked fine, and usb3 adapters work in usb2 
> sockets 
> in the pi4, the combination I failed to get to work was usb3 adapters in usb3
> sockets (the most interesting one of course).
> The usbxhci.c in the kernal is cinap's from 9front with a few small changes
> for different kernal interfaces, I checked it was in sync a few months ago
> and expect it still is.
> I am afriad my progress stalled there.


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