Hello all,

Klong mail incoming. I hope my English is ok and I don't tread on other's toes.)

from my perspective it looks like this:

There are multiple Plan 9 forks kor distributions). They all are philosophically and technically different, but they still share patches (even if many people don't know). This is fine.

It would be great to have some kind of compatibility. i'm not necessarily talking about binary/ABI compatibility, but network compatibility, shell scripting and usability. People are actively working on it. I personally have no reason to run 9legacy in my network since 9front has everything I need, but other people do.

The community is split into multiple different areas. Some areas are open to communicate with others, some actively work together and some are very "unique": you don't really hear from them in most channels, besides some email here and there, but that's it.

I can name #cat-v, #plan9, ##9fans (bridged to discord) and the 9fans and 9front mailing lists.

P9f is some very special case: They have the rights to the original codebase, they stare noble goals, but they seem to actively hide the fact that 9front exists. Hardcore 9front people don't really care about that, but the community (and I) do. I consider it really sad that 9front seems so cut away from the Plan 9 history just because some people try to hide it. Many people asked about mentioning 9front on the p9f page.

When p9f started they told us that they focus on more important stuff first (which I can totally understand). Some activities (also mentioned at 9front.org/who/p9f) make me think that they just don't want 9front to exist.

They state they want to push all stuff in the plan 9 family (9p, plan9 with forks, inferno), but they seem to actively promote 9legacy (which is fine, it's the most original continuation of plan9) and hide 9front (which is just sad). This is especially sad since 9front is probably the most modern and most active Plan 9 system currently existing.

I just hope we all find a way to still respect each other and to grow as a community. Misunderstandings happen as well as lots of other human factors.

My long 2 cents


Disclaimer: I actively used the original Plan 9 4e, Plan 9 on rpi, inferno, and I am an active 9front user.

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