I have physical issues with trying to perform fine-grained mouse
operations (uncontrollable small hand tremors).  The net effect is
that anything more much specific than window selection is difficult
and takes several seconds - pretty much the antithesis of the study
results that showed that editing using the mouse to point to where you
want to type, select text, etc was as efficient as keyboard-driven
edit.  To give an idea of the scale of the problem, it's difficult to
get the mouse positioned into the scrollbars or the command bar of
acme windows, let alone point between two specific characters for
inserting new text.

So, my question is, are there any viable alternatives for use with
Plan9?  Throwing special hardware at the problem unfortunately isn't
all that viable mainly due to budgetary issues - all the other
environments I use support keyboard short-cuts for just about
everything, so it's hard to justify spending any significant amount of
money for what is essentially a low-priority hobby.

If the answer is just to use sam, I can do that, but it doesn't really
help the problem of needing to copy/paste previous commands in
terminal windows, etc.

Hopefully I'm missing something obvious....



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