
LaTeX now requires primitives (extensions) that are not provided by TeX
nor e-TeX.

I have hence developed a new engine: Prote, that adds the required
extensions and that will be the main target for the future enhancements.

(The main purpose is to have one and only one engine, TeX compatible,
e-TeX compatible and LaTeX compatible, with only libc requirements and
BSD like licence, in order to set TeX as the OSes typographical engine.)

Amongst the extensions I had to add, there are two bits that go beyond
ISO C libc. One is a way to get elapsed time and unfortunately clock(3)
is not the answer. I then used POSIX.1:clock_gettime(2) with CLOCK_MONOTONIC
or CLOCK_REALTIME if the previous is not defined.

But is clock_gettime(2) available in APE in any instance of Plan9 or is
there a routine achieving the same purpose?

        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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