On Sunday, 30 January 2022, at 12:14 AM, sirjofri wrote:
> Maybe I misunderstood something about licensing stuff but, can't you just 
distribute the working build product (binaries etc, without source) to 
the TV set (or kiosk) and keep the source in a completely separate open 
space, under some open source license? I mean, does open source (gpl, 
mit) mean, you have to distribute the source in the same device?

That wasn't about licensing rules but part of the answer to hiro. You 
misunderstood the purpose of this sample or perhaps I didn't make it clear 
(sorry for that)

As a side node if you search for GPL infringements you will find some examples 
of large scale companies who used embedded linux without sharing their code in 
such devices.

On Sunday, 30 January 2022, at 12:14 AM, sirjofri wrote:
> At least that would have issues with any linux distribution I know, where 
you usually just download prebuilt binaries and have to download the 
source separately.

What you said is right you can make binary distributions but have to provide 
the sources. The rules are described in detail here :


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