
LaTeX3 requires additional primitives neither present in TeX nor e-TeX
and I had hence to develop these primitives on the TeX/e-TeX engine. The
result is Prote (MIT licensed change file), compatible with TeX, with
e-TeX and providing the primitives required now by the latest LaTeX
developments. Some additional file handling had to be developed as
well (\input primitive) and this has been done too (this was a major
work also).

I have published a new version of kerTeX, with the LaTeX recipe
(latex.sh) updated as well so that kerTeX will progressively return
being really "live" that is: taking whatever is current on CTAN to
update packages with a seldom need to update the recipe itself (since I
was blocked by the new LaTeX development, I had to cache the "old"
versions of the CTAN packages on my site so that everything will not
fail due to the LaTeX evolution).

I have tested an early version on 9front/amd64 and there was no error.
If I find the time (I'm short on it right now) I will test it also with

Future directions: Prote is an uniq engine compatible with standard TeX,
with e-TeX and now with LaTeX requirements. I'd like to make it able to
be the formatting engine for *roff macros too so that an uniq program
will be able to do all. It still depends on nothing but only
on libc (with the exception of one file related primitive, it was even
only standard C libc, not requiring even POSIX.1). And it is

        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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