Hello again Umbraticus,

Thanks for your email.

On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 1:01 PM <umbrati...@prosimetrum.com> wrote:
> I think you probably want:
> plumb start rc -c 'kertex/divps '$wdir'/'$0' | page -w'

This solution has acme load up the dvi file to edit.  I want to
display the image rendered by page, but after it has been passed
through dvips.  So either

plumb start window kertex/dvips $wdir/$0 '|' page


plumb start window kertex/dvips $wdir/$0 '|' page -w


plumb start window kertex/dvips $wdir/$0 '|' plumb -id image

have this work for me.  The first one opens a small window, rather
than the full page that is loaded once I have converted the file to a
postscript file.  This can be adjusted to the full window rendering
with the use of page -w, but I can see the initial window that dvips
loaded in the background.  The plumb -id image solution loads up the
initial window, runs dvips and then resizes the window with the output
from the repiping.  Not too sure which solution is the ideal one, but
it's currently working with the pipe to plumb -id.  I'm probably not
explaining myself well enough.  I ideally want the result from

kertex/dvips <filename.dvi> | page -w

which I think I should get running 'plumb start rc -c 'kertex/dvips
'$wdir'/'$0' | page -w', but for some reason it doesn't work. :(



> umbraticus

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