I love it for the same reasons. Small set of small but powerful and
far-reaching abstractions, which all compose well together. That’s good

On Thu, 19 Jan 2023 at 9:09 AM fig <type9fr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> i’m wondering what 9fans think about lisp, specifically scheme. they’re
> both the powerful synthesis of simple ideas. i don’t see any mention of it
> as it compares to 9, but they don’t seem incompatible. personally i think
> they compliment each other in nice ways.
> i don’t have any interest in emacs, i don’t even know what it is. nor
> clojure or any of that. i’m talking about lisp being able to manipulate the
> structure of the program with tools that are built into the language.
> learned about it today.
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