FWIW, I have modified the latex.sh recipe so that one can specify via
a SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES variable a blank separated list of languages
(by their Babel names) for which hyphenation has to be added to the
format (hyphenation patterns have still to be compiled in the format
and can not be put afterwards at user level).

For example:

$  SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES="french ukenglish ngerman russian" \
        $KERTEX_SHELL latex.sh install

Will add french, english extended (compared to hyphen.tex; "english" is
not a Babel name and refers to D.E.K.'s original hyphen.tex; Babel has
"ukenglish" and "usenglishmax"), german post 1996 and russian, for
hyphenation to the format.

The dedicated Babel packages (fre...@latex.sh etc.) have still to be 
added afterwards for "user level" particularisations.

        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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