Quoth zxcdew...@gmail.com:
> Hi
> Is there anyway to adjust my laptop's (T440P) screen brightness?
> Thanks!

not nicely integrated. Depending on your card, something like
this may work:

        # SBLC_PWM_CTL2: bytes 15:0, range 0 (off) to v>>16 (full)
        if(! ~ $#* 1){
                echo usage: $0 factor
                exit 'usage'
        echo -n type igfx > /dev/vgactl
        v=`{seg -Lr igfxmmio 0x400000 0xc8254}
        if(~ $#v 0)
                exit 'no such named segment'
        v=`{echo 'v='$v'; v & ~0xffff | ((v>>16) / '$1')' | pc -n}
        if(! ~ $#v 1)
                exit 'invalid factor'
        sleep 0.1
        seg -Lw igfxmmio 0x400000 0xc8254 $v

You'll have to figure out where the backlight PWM register is
on your model of video card if this doesn't just work out of
the box.

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