
cat /dev/kmesg
cat /dev/kprint

On 31 Aug 2023, at 4:44 pm, wrote:

I was editing plan9's realtime scheduler in /sys/src/9/port/edf.c and was trying to add a print to log something, but print didn't show anywhere(or I am looking at the wrong place). It has some prints in source code already, with this define.
#define DPRINT  if(Dontprint){}else print
And with Dontprint set to 0

I was expecting the output to be at boot time, in boot screen where it asks for bootargs, but it wasn't there. I thought it was either the wrong place I am looking at or it prints after I start the gui so I don't get to see it.

Then i tried other prints,  iprint() seemed really cool and usefull but it does nothing. It builds ok, but doesn't output anything on serial (on Qemu serial window). Also, it didn't work in some user space program I made to test it.

All I want is to have a normal log system so I can log things on screen.

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