Cool rant.


On Thu, Jan 25, 2024 at 1:50 PM Jacob Moody <> wrote:

> It doesn't matter if one is "mainline" or not, you've completely missed
> the point of my mail.
> One is usable and the other is not. One has a community, the other does
> not. One has people
> who share source, there other does not. Put your time where your mouth is
> and do something
> about the sorry state of "mainline". Where is the work? Where is the code?
> Again all I see
> are snarky comments and bullshit.
> Or perhaps you're more interested in hoarding code so you can sit around
> stroking your
> ego about ideological purity. Doesn't make any difference to me. Honestly
> hope you do
> walk away from Plan 9 because its clear that your attitude sucks.

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