On Fri May 17 13:33:21 +0200 2024, pl...@room3420.net wrote:
> an other interesting reading :
> https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/critical-analysis-9front-community-conflict-vester-thacker-htt3f?trk=article-ssr-frontend-pulse_more-articles_related-content-card

I'm appalled and frankly furious about this article.  It's blatant
slander which can affect me in my professional career.  I'm a phD
candidate and my work is based on Plan 9 and developed on 9front; I
was going to present it at iwp9 but could not once the venue was
changed as it rendered it incompatible with my time table.

The article lacks references to many of its claims, and the remaining
ones directly contradict its points.  The Register article is even
linked incorrectly.  A superficial reader would not bother to try to
follow the links or find the article.  For me this is clearly
malicious attention-seeking.

Regarding the pdf posted earlier[1], almost all of it is factually
incorrect.  As an example, there are no drivers for modern nvidia or
amd chips or bluetooth.  Many of the "system calls" listed in the pdf
are not system calls (proccreate) or simply don't exit (vlongtime),
and so on.  In addition, it is trivial to recreate the same content
with a query like the following: `Generate a detailed book-style
document called "Revitalizing Plan 9: integrating modern enhacements
into 9legacy" detailing all improvements introduced in 9front compared
to 9legacy'.  See for yourself in an excerpt below my email.

I don't understand what the goal here is.  All this post and pdf
accomplish is spreading misinformation, promoting cancel culture,
fostering community division and discouraging collaboration with
9front and even 9legacy, directly contradicting both Vic's claims and
that of those who have sided with him in the thread.  At this point,
use of chatgpt in this thread is blatant and harmful.  Please stop.



Revitalizing Plan 9: Integrating Modern Enhancements into 9legacy
Plan 9 from Bell Labs has long been recognized for its innovative approach to 
distributed computing. However, as hardware and software technologies advanced, 
the need for a more modernized version of Plan 9 became apparent. This need led 
to the development of 9front, a fork of Plan 9 that incorporates numerous 
enhancements and updates, surpassing 9legacy in several key areas. This 
document details these improvements, offering a comprehensive comparison of the 
advancements introduced in 9front over 9legacy.

Chapter 1: Graphics and Video Drivers
Improved Graphics Hardware Support
One of the most significant areas of enhancement in 9front is its support for 
modern graphics hardware. This includes:

Support for Newer GPUs: 9front integrates drivers for the latest GPU models, 
ensuring compatibility with modern graphics cards from manufacturers like 
Enhanced Frame Buffer Device: The frame buffer device driver has been optimized 
for better performance, providing smoother graphics rendering and faster 
display updates.
Broad Chipset Compatibility: 9front supports a wider range of graphics 
chipsets, allowing it to run on diverse hardware configurations with improved 
stability and performance.
Advanced Video Handling
9front has made considerable strides in handling video output, particularly 
with high-resolution and multi-monitor setups.

High-Resolution Display Support: Enhanced support for high-resolution displays, 
including 4K monitors, ensures crisp and clear visuals.
Multi-Monitor Configurations: Improved multi-monitor support allows users to 
extend their desktop across multiple screens seamlessly, enhancing productivity 
and usability.

Chapter 2: Networking

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