> I am lost here. 
> I read the acid manual, but I still don't know what this output is about.

lstk() prints a stack trace -- or at least tries to,
but fails. That implies to me that your stack frame
is busted.

asm()/casm() shows assembly. The PC you crashed on
is 0x0000b5d9, which happens to be in the middle of
this comparison instruction:

>         Readdir+0x2c 0x0000b5d8 CMPL    dir+0x8(SB)(CX*1),AX
>         Readdir+0x33 0x0000b5df JNE     Readdir+0xd8(SB)

which tells me whatever jumped into the code here
is junk; either a bad function pointer, a flipped
bit in your binary, or something else.

Since nothing in the asm you dumped jumps to the
address Readdir+0x2d(SB) (0x0000b5d9-0x0000b5ac),
that tells me that whatever is broken, it's likely
not in this function.

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