Quoth kalona.ayeli...@fastmail.us:
> I'm not a troll; frustrated, perhaps. I just don't understand this culture. I 
> don't think the issue lies with LLMs, but rather with an unwillingness to 
> cooperate unless there's payment involved.

To be totally clear, I was being sarcastic. I thought that was obvious.

> an unspoken social contract and various hidden challenges.

You were told _explicitly_ at least five separate times that the way
you were treating other people was disrespectful, and that the usage
of LLMs was considered as spam by the community.

It's genuinely hard to believe that you aren't a troll at this point.

> I just don't understand this culture. I'm simply seeking a friendly Plan 9 
> group where people genuinely enjoy helping newcomers.  
> I see some people get treated well and others are treated poorly.  If someone 
> asks a simple question, you give the person a pass. If someone asks a hard 
> question, then you treat the person badly. The lesson there is "Don't ask 
> hard questions." That is how I view it. If there are better Plan 9 groups out 
> there, then I'd like to join that group. 

I'm personally happy to answer any questions you want to ask,
simple or hard. The only requirement is that you not use an LLM
to generate them, and that you not deliberately give bad answers
to other people's questions.

It's really not a high bar to clear.

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