On 10/17/05, "Nils O. SelÄsdal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Guess they didn't want to bother with those russian trinary machines[1]
> [1] http://www.icfcst.kiev.ua/museum/PHOTOS/Setun-1.html
they called theirs "trit" and "tryte" [0].
Seen one of them on former military radio plant here,
defunct, already broken in peaces. Their cases were
great to store hunter weapons locked. And their coolers
are like 30cm in diameter, practically ethernal, w/great
airflow but noicy. The one i'm talking about was shut down in
mid-80s, when Misha bring "perestroyka". I'm unsure about
model number, but they were made at the beginning of 70s.
I've been told it used Algol language.

p.s. googling wasn't very helpful, because that site is dead now.
Archive.org wayback machine has it, the URL was
[0] http://xyzzy.freeshell.org/trinary/
wbr,                        |\      _,,,---,,_           dog bless ya!
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McLone at GMail dot com    |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
, net- and *BSD admin     '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)   ...translit rawx

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