That's nothing compared to the Brokian Ultra-Cricket rule book, that,
according to the Guide (h2g2), was so massive that it underwent a
gravitational collapse under its own weight, causing a massive

>>> How about all standards committees advising one individual, the 
>>> standards czar, your brilliant expert, with a background in law and 
>>> social science as well as technology, who is able to apply duly 
>>> constituted public authority to a standard. He/she cannot have any 
>>> alliances with anyone but the ITU.
>> And where will you find any brilliant expert willing to do that job? 
>> It's guaranteed thankless and without innovation.
> Big house with expansive lawn sloping down to Lake Geneva. Lots of 
> ITU-paid servants and readers of papers at your beck and call. Maybe a 
> string quartet too. And a jester to deliver bad news.
>> Nothing is as soul-draining as standards arguments.
> Let the serfs argue. You rule.

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