If Uriel is banned then then he's banned in the same way Boyd was,
he decided it by himself in a fit of pique. In Boyd's case he
announced it on 9fans then was silent for a few months before starting
up again. Perhaps Uriel or one of his acolytes could tell us when
he was banned?

And before you invoke the Holy Hand Grenade of Boyd, there are
many people who read this list who knew Boyd a lot longer than Uriel
(myself included) and, I bet, a lot better.

On Sun, 23 Jul 2006 17:24:10 -0400, Federico G. Benavento <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Hola,
>> and adds a link to a screenshot called sdl.png. I see there are some SDL
>> files in /n/sources/contrib - how well does SDL work on Plan 9?
> Maybe uriel could talk about it, but he's banned from the list.
> Federico G. Benavento
> PS: no jokes in this mail.

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