
oh!! thanks, i don't know why i was expecting some magic to happen :-)


On 12/11/06, Skip Tavakkolian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(posting again with a slight change. i had the order of plumber/upasfs wrong)

acme mail under the same conditions has the same behavior. my guess
is that upasfs deals with /mnt/plumb in the name space it was
invoked in (i.e. the plumber that started before upas/fs was started).
so maybe

if ( test -r /srv/upasfs.$user ){
mount /srv/plumb4upas.$user /mnt/plumb
mount -c /srv/upasfs.$user /mail/fs
if not {
upas/fs -s
srvfs plumber4upas.$user /mnt/plumb
mount -c /srv/upasfs.$user /mail/fs
rio starts

> seems that when i log on, upasfs is correctly mounted, and faces gets
> filled with the email messages.
> But when i delete one message (clicking on faces raise a mail window
> with the correct message if it exists) or when a new message arrives,
> faces doesn't get updated.
> upasfs is already mounted on some other session (actually the host
> owner console), and on that session, faces get updated normally.
> what i'm missing? should i kill all my upasfs or faces on each logon?

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