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Yowza.  Someone slipped something into Ron's coffee!

Ron - any chance of the /dev/fb based drawterm making its way to more general distribution?


On 20-Dec-06, at 2:19 PM, ron minnich wrote:

It is called JD for a reason  ...

anyway ...

on sources/xen/xen3/xentest.tgz is the latest.

here is what it does
boots a minimal linux to a bash prompt. You type
xend start
xm create hanska
this in turn boots a cpu server under xen which tries to mount from an
fs, which does not exist, but hey ... it can start up a plan 9
instance. And give it an IP from DHCP. And it tries and fails to mount
an fs from somewhere. And if finds the block device (sd00). This is

The linux will nat for you.

In theory, I should be able to mount 9grid.net, have not tried this yet.

The file is a mere 62M compressed (sorry!) but we're trying. I had to
pull in lots of shit because the xen scripts are a mix of python and
bash. The bash scripts, if written in python, would not need all the
shit. Long term, they should all be python, and I am sure that you
folks are chomping at the bite to rewrite them, python being such a
readable, simple, easy to bug-insert language (what's the oppose of
debug? Where you insert a bug just be removing whitespace? maybe embug
-- for embedding a bug. )

here is my grub.conf entry for it -- see, I'm getting user-friendly
this time around.

title           tiny horrible xen
root            (hd0,5)
kernel          /boot/xen-3.0.3-1-i386.gz
module /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-3-xen-686 root=/dev/hda6 ro console=tty0
module          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.18-3-xen-686

So, what did it take to make this work?

Oh, not much. Xen reported hotplug failing, in a way calculated to confuse me.

But, thinks I, I need udev. But, udev won't start without syslog in
there. Honest, strace doesn't lie.

So, in the end, I added:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rminnich]# ls /xentest/etc/init.d/
functions  syslog
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rminnich]#

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rminnich]# ls /xentest/etc/
blkid.tab      dhcpd.conf  hosts    hotplug.d  localtime  passwd
syslog.conf  xen
blkid.tab.old fstab hotplug init.d mtab services udev
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rminnich]#

rm /etc/mtab; ln -s /proc/mounts /etc/mtab

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rminnich]# ls /xentest/lib | wc
   125     125    193
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rminnich]# ls /xentest/usr/lib
libsysfs.so.1  libz.so.1  libz.so.1.2.3  python2.4  xen-3.0.3-1
xen-common  xen-default
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rminnich]# ls /xentest/bin
basename  hanska   mv         sed      umount       xenctx
bash      ip       netfix     sh       usleep       xend
cat       killall  ps         sleep    xc_restore   xenmon.py
cp less pygrub stat xc_save xenperf xentop cut logger readlink strace xc_shadow xenstore- chmod xentrace
dhcpd     lomount  readnotes  sync     xenbaked     xenstore-control
drawterm  ls       reset      tcpdump  xen-bugtool  xenstored
ed        mkdir    rm         touch    xencons      xenstore-exists
expr mktemp rmdir tr xenconsole xenstore- list xm
grep      mount    runme      true     xenconsoled  xenstore-ls
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rminnich]# ls /xentest/usr/bin/
awk  dirname  env  python
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rminnich]# ls /xentest/sbin/
brctl        initlog           jfs_fscklog  nologin  udevcontrol
consoletype  insmod            jfs_logdump  pidof    udevd
depmod       iptables          klogd        sh       udev_run_devd
getty        iptables-restore  logsave      sulogin  udev_run_hotplugd
ifconfig     iptables-save     losetup      syslogd  udevsend
init         isdnlog           modprobe     udev     udevstart
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rminnich]#

and a few other bits. If you think this is a lot, you haven't been
watching linux lately.

Also, the following simple thing:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rminnich]# cat /xentest/bin/runme
#!/bin/sh -x
mount -t tmpfs none /tmp
mount -t tmpfs none /var
mkdir -p /var/run/xenstored
mkdir -p /var/log/xen
mkdir -p /var/log/hotplug
mkdir -p /var/lib
mkdir -p /var/lib/dhcp
touch /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
mkdir -p /var/lock/subsys
mkdir -p /var/run/xen-hotplug

export PATH

/etc/init.d/syslog start
modprobe loop
modprobe bridge
modprobe netloop
ipconfig eth0 up
#xend start
#xm create hanska &

ah, well, we had hoped to have a readonly medium, but we have not
resolved the problem of a writeable root for plan 9. maybe later. What
would be very interesting is to not have a root at all, but just boot
as a terminal from somewhere, but we are not ready yet. But that is
the Dream.

anyway, 20M are there, 40M need to get there, so give it a few
minutes. The file when done is this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] xentest]# ls -l /tmp/xentest.tgz
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 62174680 Dec 20 15:48 /tmp/xentest.tgz

testers welcome, as long as you're not too helpless when confronted
with Xen ... it's not ready for that yet!



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