> Why do we expect our computer usage to require no sacrifices at all?

Also, Ron is barking up the wrong tree (with all due respect).  Either
Plan 9 is good enough or it isn't, it is counter-productive to try to
shove it down the throat of unwilling users even when it may be
perfect for some embedded task.  The users see its value or they
don't.  They are smart or they aren't.  whichever way, they get to

Me, I have to use my web browser more than I would like to, I even
develop with the web browser as target.  And VT-220 emulation under
Plan 9 needs work I am not ready to do myself, at least not just yet.
So I use VNC as I have plenty of scrap hardware to run Mozilla and a
VT-220 emulator that matches my requirements on.  The latter would
(mostly) disappear if ACME could run like SAM in remote mode,
specially under Windows, but lack of a web browser is a show stopper.

Indicatively, I have UBUNTU Linux on my laptop, but I use an old
NetBSD machine as my VNC server, UBUNTU is too hard to configure away
from its distribution.


PS: Acme Mail is another acquired taste.  On my laptop I exploit
Evolution's frilly features, but Acme Mail is a whole lot more
practical.  And specially fast, even if it may be just a subjective
impression!  So as soon as I can, I switch to Acme Mail.

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