That might well be the case.  There are projects underway to develop
Plan 9 as a platform for massively parallel computing and I expect
we'll have several talks on the subject at the workshop.


> About that, I'm currently working in the computing grid field,
> notably the use of grids among the (Earth) science community. I'm
> personally convinced that the way to go would be to build on a sane
> distributed base, like Plan9 but it's not at all the situation at the
> moment. 
> The biggest structures are based on Linux (clusters or PCs) augmented
> with some middleware (such as gLite, or globus). The whole thing seems
> quite bloated to me from the beginning and it's getting even more
> complicated as the middleware developpers are trying to fit the needs of
> the different scientific communities.
> Now to my point: I'm slowly trying to hint ppl at Plan9 but it's not
> easy since:
> -I'm not "big" in the middle
> -I don't have (yet) such a strong experience in Plan9 (only played with
> it a bit and installed a standalone cpu server)
> -there is no (afaik) example yet of a plan9 grid where one can submit
> distributed jobs, to convince ppl. Although it seems to me plan9 would
> be the best platform for that and hence would require way less work to
> obtain some elegant solutions than on any other framwork.
> So my question is: do you think that Workshop would be the right
> occasion to demonstrate Plan9 to the grid ppl or is it too soon to
> convince of its possible advantages as a computing grid platform? Is
> it worth trying to get some of these ppl to go there? 
> Or am I completely mistaken on what this workshop is about?
> Any thoughts on this are welcome :)
> Cheers,
> Mathieu.
> On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 10:15:28AM -0400, Sape Mullender wrote:
>> We have started preparations to host the Second very International Workshop
>> on Plan 9 at Bell Labs MH in December of this year, almost certainly
>> Monday December 3 and Tuesday December 4.
>> Preparations are still underway, but we hope to post the official
>> announcement soon.
>>      Sape
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