Fixing something nobody uses might be fun, but probably it's low on the stacks
of most people because we don't consume too much memory.

On 9/3/07, Gorka Guardiola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Also, it's broken, broken, broken on Plan 9 and nobody wants to fix it.
> > The upside to this is that we can just say how we don't want it anyway,
> > there's no conceivable reason anyone would want swap,  and operating
> > systems with working swap suck ;)
> >
> >
> > John "Has a Swap Partition and Doesn't Know Why" Floren
> >
> IsnĀ“t it more like John "wants somebody else to fix his swap instead of doing
> himself" Floren?. If you think something is broken, fix it instead of
> complaining.
> If noone else likes it, at least you have your problem solved...
> --
> - curiosity sKilled the cat

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