Here's a bunch of things to try to get started.
If you have problems, say which ones worked for you
and which didn't.

Type date somewhere and middle-click on it.
A new +Errors window should pop up with the
current date.

Middle-click on date again.  The date should
appear a second time in the +Errors window.

Now type "echo hello world" somewhere (without the quotes).
Highlight it using the left button and middle click
on the highlighted text.  "hello world" should appear
in the +Errors window.

Left-click on the echo hello world so that the highlight
goes away.  Then highlight "echo hello world" using
the middle button.  A second "hello world" should
appear in the +Errors window.

In the +Errors window, right click on one of the "hello"s.
The mouse pointer should jump to the other hello,
which should be highlighted.

Leave one of the "hello" highlighted in the body
and middle click the world "Look" in the tag (the blue line).
Each time you middle click "Look" the highlight should
jump to the other hello, just like it was when right clicking
directly on hello.  But the pointer will not move.

In the tag of the +Errors window (the blue line above it),
the word Look is at the end of the tag.  Put the cursor
after the Look and type "hello", so that the tag end reads
"Look hello".  Highlight "Look hello" using the left
button and then middle-click the highlighted "Look hello".
Each time you middle-click the highlighted "Look hello",
the highlight in the body of the window should move to
the other "hello".

Left-click in the tag so that the highlight on "Look hello"
goes away.  Now use the middle button to highlight "Look hello".
The other "hello" in the body should be highlighted and the
mouse pointer should jump to the now-highlighted text.


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